Kaplan International Colleges (KIC)

Kaplan International Colleges (KIC) is a top provider of foundation programmes for international students. A foundation programme is a relevant option for international students who want to better prepare for a university life. The education system in your home country may vary from the UK’s system and so a foundation programme will help you familiarise yourself with the UK education system and bridge the gap between your undergraduate or a postgraduate degree course. Most of KIC’s international colleges are based on their partner university campuses, making it an easy transition.

Kaplan International Colleges

About Kaplan International Colleges (KIC) – KIC is partnered with some of the top UK universities and if students complete the foundation programmes whilst meeting the acceptance requirements, they can progress to these universities. (more…)


Why is London a great place for international students?

We all know that London is one of the busiest cities in the world and one of the most culturally diverse. From the moment it was founded by the Romans and till this day, London has played a prominent role in the world’s development. In areas such as finance, commerce, culture, fashion and education. This is why we believe it’s an ideal place to study.

Carnaby Street

Student life in London – Students in London experience a world class education (more…)


Cambridge Education Group (CEG) ONCAMPUS London

ONCAMPUS London is one of the Cambridge Education Group (CEG) centres in the UK. These centres are partnered with globally recognised University of London colleges in order to offer foundation programmes to international students.

London Foundation Campus

A foundation programme is an excellent way of preparing for university life in the UK. You’ll have the chance to enhance your academic skills in the field you have chosen plus, it gives you to the chance to get a feel of the university and (more…)