Studying abroad and how you can put back into your country

iStock_000012393959Medium (graduates)Over the years, wanting to have the opportunity to work overseas for career advancement is one of the popular reasons for people who wanted to study abroad. Others would want to know other cultures, learn from a different education system, earn a globally recognized degree, or just take a once in a lifetime experience.

But recently for some, they want to finish a degree or pursue higher education abroad and then go back home or use the new knowledge and expertise they gain from the experience to contribute to the welfare of their home country. The growing challenge of landing a job in their host countries has also urged an increasing number of students to return home after their studies abroad (as they compete with the locals for similar jobs). In addition, studies reveal that other reasons include loyalty to country and avoiding depression.

If you’re one of them, you may have thought beforehand what you want to do after finishing your course abroad. We’ve also listed ideas to add to your checklist. Read on and find out what you can do when you head back home.

Work at your Study Abroad office

Some of them are thinking of hiring students who have finished a course abroad to act as advisors to students who are planning to study overseas. You are a qualified candidate for the position as you have been in their shoes before (having the same feelings and questions), therefore you can better address their concerns. It can also be a fulfilling job as you will be able to help other students reach their goals.

Be a specialist in this field

As you had the experience of what it takes to study abroad, gone through the whole process and lived in a different country (with different culture and language), you can become a reliable source of information. With the availability of online journals also known as blogs, you can easily do this and share your story to others. There are also available review websites which are waiting for your insights.

Join some student groups on your university

Look for student groups aiming to help other students wishing to study abroad. They can always make use of alumni like you who are keen in sharing their experiences in studying abroad with others. Again, nothing beats helping others and it’s a nice way to remember your experiences and the pleasant emotions those have brought you.

Suggest changes in your workplace

If you’re someone who’s studying abroad for career advancement and may want to use what you’ve learned in the workplace of your home country, make use of it and introduce new ideas, processes, or systems that can benefit any areas of your company. You may find it hard to do so but demonstrate what you can do and set realistic expectations.

Join volunteer groups

Get involved with your community and help them with their endeavors for a better society. They can make use of your international education and experience for a lot of advocacies they have.

When arriving home, you may feel what they call a reverse culture shock. Go through it by spending time with family and friends, but get up and share what you gained from this experience. You should focus on exploring and looking at what you can do to change the lives of others.